CU*Answers Announces Opening of Annual Board of Directors Election

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – May 1, 2024

Each year the 100% credit union owned CUSO holds an annual election for opportunities to run for a seat on their Board of Directors. The CUSO’s Board of Directors have officially set and opened the election for the 2024 Annual Election. There are 3 open seats this year. Those running for election are listed on the ballot are: Tom Gryp, CEO, Notre Dame FCU (Incumbent),Kris Lewis, CEO, Ignite CU (Incumbent), Carolyn Mikesell, CEO, Public Services CU (Incumbent), and Mark Richter, CEO, North Central Area CU. The ballot has been sent to stockowners via an electronic ballot. Stockowners that attend the Annual Stockowners Meeting on June 26th will be able to vote in-person as well as casting their ballot by mail.
For full details on the nomination process, please visit

About CU*Answers, Inc.

CU*Answers offers expertise in implementing technical solutions to operational needs, and is a leader in helping credit unions form strategic alliances and partnerships. CU*Answers provides a wide variety of services for credit unions including its flagship CU*BASE® processing system (online and in-house) and Internet development services featuring It’s Me 247 online and mobile banking. Additional services include web development, network design and security, and image check processing. Founded in 1970, CU*Answers is a 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO providing services to credit unions representing over 2 million members and $26 billion in credit union assets. For more information, visit

CU*Answers Announces Opening of Annual Board of Directors Election

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – May 1, 2023

Each year the 100% credit union owned CUSO holds an annual election for opportunities to run for a seat on their Board of Directors. The CUSO’s Board of Directors have officially set and opened the election for the 2023 Annual Election. There are 2 open seats this year. Those running for election are listed on the ballot are: Jeffrey Kusler, CEO, Journey FCU, Val Mindak, CEO, Park City CU, Mark Richter, CEO, First United CU, Vickie Schmitzer (incumbent), CEO, Frankenmuth CU, and Dean Wilson (incumbent), CEO, FOCUS CU. The ballot has been sent to stockowners via an electronic ballot. Stockowners that attend the Annual Stockowners Meeting on June 21st will be able to vote in-person as well as casting their ballot by mail.

For full details on the nomination process, please visit

About CU*Answers, Inc.

CU*Answers offers expertise in implementing technical solutions to operational needs and is a leader in helping credit unions form strategic alliances and partnerships. CU*Answers provides a wide variety of services for credit unions including its flagship CU*BASE® processing system (online and in-house) and Internet development services featuring It’s Me 247 online and mobile banking. Additional services include web development, network design and security, and image check processing. Founded in 1970, CU*Answers is a 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO providing services to credit unions representing over 2 million members and $21.5 billion in credit union assets. For more information, visit

CU*Answers Announces “Close of Nominations” for 2023 Board of Directors

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – April 1, 2023

Each year the 100% credit union owned CUSO holds an annual election for opportunities to run for a seat on their Board of Directors. The CUSO has officially closed the nomination process for their 2023 Annual Stockholder Election, that will occur on Wednesday, June 21st.

The Nominating Committee stopped accepting nominations from owners for service on the CU*Answers Board of Directors as of March 31, 2023.

For full details on the nomination process, please visit

About CU*Answers, Inc.

CU*Answers offers expertise in implementing technical solutions to operational needs and is a leader in helping credit unions form strategic alliances and partnerships. CU*Answers provides a wide variety of services for credit unions including its flagship CU*BASE® processing system (online and in-house) and Internet development services featuring It’s Me 247 online and mobile banking. Additional services include web development, network design and security, and image check processing. Founded in 1970, CU*Answers is a 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO providing services to credit unions representing over 2 million members and $21.5 billion in credit union assets. For more information, visit

CU*Answers Announces “Call to Nominations” for 2023 Board of Directors

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – February 1, 2023
Each year the 100% credit union owned CUSO holds an annual election for opportunities to run for a seat on their Board of Directors. The CUSO has officially opened the nomination process for their 2023 Annual Stockholder Election, that will occur on Wednesday, June 20th. The meeting will take place at the JW Marriott in Grand Rapids, Michigan in conjunction with their annual Leadership Conference.
Currently, the CUSO has 148 Stockowners that are eligible to participate in this year’s election. The Nominating Committee will accept nominations from owners for service on the CU*Answers Board of Directors until March 31, 2023. The nominating committee will present candidates to the Board at least 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting. After the Board Meeting, a notice will be sent to all owner credit unions with a sample ballot to be used at the Annual Meeting.
For full details on the nomination process, please visit

About CU*Answers, Inc.
CU*Answers offers expertise in implementing technical solutions to operational needs and is a leader in helping credit unions form strategic alliances and partnerships. CU*Answers provides a wide variety of services for credit unions including its flagship CU*BASE® processing system (online and in-house) and Internet development services featuring It’s Me 247 online and mobile banking. Additional services include web development, network design and security, and image check processing. Founded in 1970, CU*Answers is a 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO providing services to credit unions representing over 2 million members and $21.5 billion in credit union assets. For more information, visit

CU*Answers Announces Opening of Annual Board of Directors Election

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – April 1, 2022

Each year the 100% credit union owned CUSO holds an annual election for opportunities to run for a seat on their Board of Directors. The CUSO’s Board of Directors have officially set and opened the election for the 2022 Annual Election. There are 2 open seats this year. Those running for election are also up for re-election. The candidates listed on the ballot are: Linda Bodie (Element FCU) and Jeff Jorgensen (Bluestone FCU). The ballot has been sent to stockowners via an electronic ballot. Stockowners that attend the Annual Stockowners Meeting on June 15th will be able to vote in-person as well as casting their ballot by mail.

For full details on the nomination process, please visit

About CU*Answers, Inc.

CU*Answers offers expertise in implementing technical solutions to operational needs and is a leader in helping credit unions form strategic alliances and partnerships. CU*Answers provides a wide variety of services for credit unions including its flagship CU*BASE® processing system (online and in-house) and Internet development services featuring It’s Me 247 online and mobile banking. Additional services include web development, network design and security, and image check processing. Founded in 1970, CU*Answers is a 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO providing services to credit unions representing over 2 million members and $21.5 billion in credit union assets. For more information, visit

CU*Answers Announces “Close of Nominations” for 2022 Board of Directors

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – April 1, 2022
Each year the 100% credit union owned CUSO holds an annual election for opportunities to run for a seat on their Board of Directors. The CUSO has officially closed the nomination process for their 2022 Annual Stockholder Election, that will occur on Wednesday, June 15th.

The Nominating Committee stopped accepting nominations from owners for service on the CU*Answers Board of Directors as of March 31, 2022.

For full details on the nomination process, please visit

About CU*Answers, Inc.
CU*Answers offers expertise in implementing technical solutions to operational needs and is a leader in helping credit unions form strategic alliances and partnerships. CU*Answers provides a wide variety of services for credit unions including its flagship CU*BASE® processing system (online and in-house) and Internet development services featuring It’s Me 247 online and mobile banking. Additional services include web development, network design and security, and image check processing. Founded in 1970, CU*Answers is a 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO providing services to credit unions representing over 2 million members and $21.5 billion in credit union assets. For more information, visit

CU*Answers Announces “Call to Nominations” for 2022 Board of Directors

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – February 1, 2022
Each year the 100% credit union owned CUSO holds an annual election for opportunities to run for a seat on their Board of Directors. The CUSO has officially opened the nomination process for their 2022 Annual Stockholder Election, that will occur on Wednesday, June 15th. The meeting will take place at the JW Marriott in Grand Rapids, Michigan in conjunction with their annual Leadership Conference.
Currently, the CUSO has 151 Stockowners that are eligible to participate in this year’s election. The Nominating Committee will accept nominations from owners for service on the CU*Answers Board of Directors until March 31, 2022. The nominating committee will present candidates to the Board at least 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting. After the Board Meeting, a notice will be sent to all owner credit unions with a sample ballot to be used at the Annual Meeting.

For full details on the nomination process, please visit

About CU*Answers, Inc.
CU*Answers offers expertise in implementing technical solutions to operational needs and is a leader in helping credit unions form strategic alliances and partnerships. CU*Answers provides a wide variety of services for credit unions including its flagship CU*BASE® processing system (online and in-house) and Internet development services featuring It’s Me 247 online and mobile banking. Additional services include web development, network design and security, and image check processing. Founded in 1970, CU*Answers is a 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO providing services to credit unions representing over 2 million members and $21.5 billion in credit union assets. For more information, visit

CU*Answers Announces “Close of Nominations” for 2021 Board of Directors Election

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – February 1, 2021

Each year the 100% credit union owned CUSO holds an annual election for opportunities to run for a seat on their Board of Directors. The CUSO has officially closed the nomination process for their 2021 Annual Stockholder Election, that will occur on Wednesday, June 16th.

The Nominating Committee stopped accepting nominations from owners for service on the CU*Answers Board of Directors as of March 31, 2021.

For full details on the nomination process, please visit


About CU*Answers, Inc.

CU*Answers offers expertise in implementing technical solutions to operational needs, and is a leader in helping credit unions form strategic alliances and partnerships. CU*Answers provides a wide variety of services for credit unions including its flagship CU*BASE® processing system (online and in-house) and Internet development services featuring It’s Me 247 online and mobile banking. Additional services include web development, network design and security, and image check processing. Founded in 1970, CU*Answers is a 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO providing services to credit unions representing over 2 million members and $21.5 billion in credit union assets. For more information, visit

CU*Answers Announces “Call to Nominations” for 2021 Board of Directors Election

Each year the 100% credit union owned CUSO holds an annual election for opportunities to run for a seat on their Board of Directors. The CUSO has officially opened the nomination process for their 2021 Annual Stockholder Election, that will occur on Wednesday, June 16th. The meeting will take place at the JW Marriott in Grand Rapids, Michigan in conjunction with their annual Leadership Conference.

Currently, the CUSO has 143 Stockowners that are eligible to participate in this year’s election. The Nominating Committee will accept nominations from owners for service on the CU*Answers Board of Directors until March 31, 2021. The nominating committee will present candidates to the Board at least 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting. After the Board Meeting, a notice will be sent to all owner credit unions with a sample ballot to be used at the Annual Meeting.

For full details on the nomination process, please visit

Nominations Period Closed – Getting Ready for the 2020 CU*Answers Election ATTENTION CU*ANSWERS STOCKHOLDERS

Per our Board Member Handbook, this is the official notification that the period for receiving nominations to fill seats on the CU*Answers Board of Directors has closed as of March 31, 2020.

Voting Electronically
Once again, we will be offering an electronic voting option for the 2020 CU*Answers Board of Directors election on June 17, 2019 using the Simply Voting tool (  The ballot will be sent to all owners during the week of May 4, 2020.

This year all owners will receive an email from with an electronic ballot.

Owners who elect not to cast their vote electronically can obtain a hard copy of the ballot and other election-related materials via our Board Elections website at

Remember that paper ballots will also be available on the election website. Look for the official notice of the meeting.